One Year Bible Online Daily Reading

Welcome to the daily readings from, the original online guide for those desiring to read through the Bible in one year.

Bible In A Year Online

One Year Bible Online daily readings consist of passages from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. This arrangement of Scripture brings variety and a fresh approach to each day’s reading, while providing a clear understanding of the Bible’s larger message.

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April 27th Bible Readings
JUDGES 7:1-8:17
LUKE 23:13-43
PSALM 97:1-98:9

"What Now" Study Questions:

What Now? From Amazon
  • '...Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.' (Luke 23:34 NLT) ~ As a follower of Jesus, how can you practice this type of forgiveness?
  • The thief on the cross tells us its never too late to find Jesus! Have you given up on someone? Pray that God reveal Himself.
Audio Commentary and Reading of the New Living Translation© 1996 Please note that there are variations in the text of the current and the 1996 NLT versions.
April 27th


We are pleased to provide the Bible commentary and readings from the New Living Translation© 1996 by Tom Dooley. Audio commentary & readings by Tom Dooley used by permission of MasterMedia Ministries.